Setting goals is one thing. These three strategies will help you make them a reality.

  • Learn to control your thoughts.

Controlling your thoughts allows you to steady and calm your mind. At the very least, controlled thought will give you a better handle on your feelings and emotions. And, at the very most, controlling your thoughts allows you to plan ahead and plan your steps in a good orderly direction.

Life begins to unfold for you as it is meant to be: all for your well-being, joy, happiness, and satisfaction. When something bad happens, you call it bad luck. When something good happens, you call it a miracle. This isn’t luck or a miracle. When you are not mindful of your thoughts, the ups and downs of life can feel like a roller coaster ride. You may tend to blame these ups and down on the random situations and circumstances in life when these events are not random at all and directly related to the thoughts you choose. This is the power of thought being manifested.

The one true miracle is that we have been blessed with this wondrous ability to think. The thoughts we think create our future. The only difference is whether we think a positive one or a negative. Random thoughts breed confusing results and stormy seas. Positive, present tense, timely thoughts generated from a calm, peaceful place begin to deliver exactly the results you DO want to manifest.

  •  Start visualizing your goals.

Thoughts are things. Sit down and figure out exactly what it is that you do want. After you have come up with what you want, keep it on your mind. Start visualizing your goal constantly. The more you think about it in specific details the more opportunities will present themselves for you to achieve your goal.

When visualizing your goals, it is of the utmost importance not to have contrary thoughts at the same time.  If your thoughts are filled with fear and doubt awfulizing the most catastrophic possibilities, you will have those same negative outcomes. And if you think beauty, you will have beauty. However, if you think beauty, but immediately follow that thought of beauty with a thought of ugliness, you aren’t bringing that lovely vision that you had in mind. Now, you are only summoning the worst-case scenario, or something that was once beautiful. When visualizing your thoughts, you must desire in detail.

See everything that you want to build, down to the last screw. All you need to do is visualize and take the actions necessary that do, as a result, surely arise.

  • Be the person to others that you want them to be to you.

You get what you give. Simply put, how you treat others is how you, yourself will be treated. For example, actions such as holding the door for others, and treating others with kindness brings it back to you. As a result, during your journey through life, some doors will be held open for you, and you will be treated kindly by strangers.

Notice that all these things in your life are precipitated by your attitude and what you choose to do with your power of thought. With that being said, instead of treating others in ways you can merely accept and tolerate, how about you start treating others like you would welcome yourself?

Love on others as much as you possibly can. Don’t just treat them with respect or with tolerance. Embrace people with all the spirit of togetherness that you can muster at the time. If you keep that type of treatment towards people at the forefront of your mind, they will treat you the same way, if not better. When you can put your personal feelings aside and love others regardless of the climate, you will notice the difference

What you think and what you say determines the actions you take and the results you receive.